Mission Driven Monday--Darcy Wiley

Meet Darcy Wiley!


Over the past decade or so, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some incredible creatives—women who are writers, leaders, and social activists. Darcy Wiley checks all three of those boxes. She’s a talented author, a beloved mentor, and a passionate advocate for minorities and immigrants. She and her husband are on a mission to raise their three suburban American kids to be curious and compassionate citizens of the world. When she told me that, I thought, “Me too! Me too!”

With all the things currently competing for our time and attention, I can think of nothing more satisfying than being a part of a family that’s truly following its mission, not the madness. Join Darcy and discover the lovely in the mundane of our everyday lives. Perhaps you, too, will discover that your ordinary life is actually pretty extraordinary.

Important Links from this Episode:

The Yes Effect by Luis Bush and Darcy Wiley

Relentless Devotional (a six week study guide about the book of Judges)

Darcy’s Blog:

The Artist’s Way: A book for rediscovering creativity

Daily Rituals: Women at Work

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