Choices and Consequences: Is Unpaid Work Holding You Back?

Dream Jobs

I write a lot about finding your purpose and figuring out the work you’re meant to do.

I blame it on my childhood.

We’re asked at a very young age what we want to be when we grow up. We usually reply based on what we’ve seen, either in our neighborhoods or on TV. There’s probably a disproportionate number of people out there who wanted to be things like teachers, doctors, and policeman.

When my son was in kindergarten, he wanted to be a garbage man (his words, not mine).

At the time, we thought it was funny and cute.

Hanging off the back of a truck, wind whipping through your hair…what could be better?

He’s 15 now, and his new dream job is one he calls “fragrance mogul.” I don’t think he’s seen many of those around, but he likes girls, and I guess he’s started caring about whether or not he smells good when he is around them.

There’s a bunch of kids going off to college, and they are stressed to the max. Everyone is asking them where they are going to school and what’s their major. Students like my daughter, with ambiguous majors like Leadership Integrated Studies, get asked a follow-up question, which is typically a variation of “What do think you want to do with that someday?”

How could she possibly know the answer to that question?

Our first jobs rarely determine our final destination.

Case in point: I used to work in a hardware store, and my first job out of college was as a trainer in a gym.

Don’t get me wrong. Work is necessary. Work is good. My daughter’s been working since she was sixteen. All the jobs we have in life prepare us for the work we’re meant to do.

Humans were created to work. But there are so many different kinds of work and ways in which we can work and possibilities for the future that I would never want to lock my 19 year old daughter into just one way of thinking. She’s young and smart. I’ve never told her to choose a major based solely on the fact that she needs something concrete, something “she can fall back on.” I have faith that she can figure out work because she’s figured out so many other parts of her life.

And she’s got time.

So many of the jobs that sound interesting to me now did not even exist when I was her age. I never could have imagined the work I’m doing now. But (and this is the big thing), I knew what kind of life I wanted, and therefore everything I was learning would not be wasted, no matter what the future held.

Choices and Consequences

But the point is that we often don’t think about the consequences of our choices.

Twenty years ago I made a choice.

I made a choice to leave full time paid work in order to stay home and do full time UNPAID work. It was a choice I made, and the consequences were many. I have no regrets because this unpaid work has been fulfilling in other ways

If my son had thought through the consequences of being a sanitation worker, a valiant occupation to be sure, and something we can’t do without ( Does anyone remember New York’s great garbage strike of 1968?), he may have chosen a different path—even as a kindergartener. However, he didn’t think about the fact that it’s pretty stinky riding behind the garbage all day, that HE would be pretty stinky, too, by the end of it, and that lifting garbage bags hour after hour is some kind of back-breaking labor. In hot weather, on cold days, and even when it’s raining, sanitation workers are on duty.

The garbage never stops.

But just because we get older doesn’t mean we think about the consequences of our work. Maybe you have found yourself on the business end of a poorly executed choice. For example, I once thought it would be fun to run a company, which would probably mean time away from family, travel, late nights, stressful working conditions, and possibly even more education.

Is that what I really wanted?

We make the choices we can live with.

And all choices are not created equal.

As I’ve watched my children get older and my friends, stay-at-home moms mostly, go back into the workforce, I’ve noticed that even now we forget what our choices mean.

We want so-called REAL work because it means that the years we spent at home raising our children, volunteering at school, and keeping house were not wasted. We can add value. And if we can, we should…Right? And let’s be honest—kids don’t get less expensive as they get older. We trade diapers and preschool for drivers ed and tutoring. They need and want more than we can possibly give them.

Going back to work is the next logical step.

So we go back to work and discover that we are still needed at home, that children still get sick, that teachers still have conferences, that the laundry and cooking do not cease simply because we are not there to do it. We can enlist the help of our spouse and kids, but everyone is busy. So, so busy.

And we realize that what we really want is not necessarily more money, but more time. The kids are getting older. They will leave us soon. We only have four more summer vacations. Three. Two. One. And then suddenly they are off to college. And family vacations are a thing of the past. At least the way they used to be.

Where did the time go?

Real Work

I want you to know that the work you’re doing now IS real work. It’s important, and it matters. In a LinkedIn article I was reading just last week, 91% of employers say that soft skills are more important than hard skills when looking to hire a new employee. These skills are becoming increasingly important, not just in the workplace but everywhere. Those are certainly the skills I can practice, teach my kids, and cultivate in a variety of non-traditional unpaid ways.

Just because I was (and still am) what some would call a stay-at-home mother, I don’t necessarily do a lot of staying home.

According to the LinkedIn report, these are the soft skills companies need, but have a hard time finding:

1)    Creativity
2)    Persuasion
3)    Collaboration
4)    Adaptability
5)    Time Management

Where better to practice these skills than in the context of motherhood and volunteerism and community service? 

Think about what you’re doing right now. If you’re not doing REAL work, can you think of anything that’s preparing you to lead with the soft skills necessary for the future?

 It’s so easy to think that time spent at home and time spent not earning real money, is wasted time. And this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Your soft skills are getting stronger every day.

 It is possible to chase your dream without running away from your life.

You are not stuck.
You are not stigmatized.
You are not a doormat.
You are not a slave.

You are smart, and special, and someday (but maybe not now), your dreams will actually be closer than you think.

 You will not always have children at home.
You will not always need to be the one who does the cooking and cleaning.
You will find, if you’re willing to share now, that which you have, that when the timing is right, you will receive exactly what you hoped for.

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.
— Galatians 6:4-5 MSG

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Mission Driven Monday--Dara Buczynski

Meet Dara Buczynski!

Dara Bucynski opened Ephiphany Athens in 2014. But her life of faith and adventure actually began many years before. After adopting a daughter from the Ukraine and learning more about orphan care there, Dara decided to use her gifts to partner with global organizations caring for children around the world. Her beautiful boutique is grounded in a simple truth: "God decides you're beautiful." May this episode inspire you to follow your own mission (not the madness) because where purpose lives, love thrives. Thanks, Dara!

Important Links from this Episode:

Epiphany Athens: Check out their new arrivals! Free Shipping over $75!

Heart for Orphans: provides support and care for teens aging out of the orphan care system in the Ukraine and the former Soviet Union

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
— Proverbs 31:25

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Love Note to a Teacher

School in Georgia starts early—August 1st to be exact. We’ve had a great summer filled with beach vacations, sleep-away camp, fireworks, lots of company, and time spent outside. My older son got his pilot’s license at the beginning of the summer, and I still have “sunset airplane ride” on my bucket list, but once I’ve done that, my life will be complete.

I’ve always been one of those kids that liked school. When somebody asked me my favorite subject, I never answered with “Recess” or “Lunch” because I actually enjoyed subjects like “Biology” and “American Literature.” I know. I was a total nerd.

The other day I came across this article about Leonard Bernstein, the famous conductor and composer.

Leonard Bernstein had a program that aired on CBS from 1958-1970. It was called The New York Philharmonic Young People’s Concerts. It was an overnight success, and Bernstein called it a “dream come true” because “young people are eager, unprejudiced, curious, open, and enthusiastic.”

But Bernstein’s greatest gift may have been as a teacher.

He believed that all art is about aesthetic pleasure, and appreciation begins with an understanding of how art appeals to our emotions. More than that, he believed that the best way to understand something was in the context of another discipline.

A little more digging, and I found out that Bernstein was also the founder of something called Artful Learning. He had a passionate thirst for knowledge that inspired him to create a process for deepening academic learning through the arts.

Most people agree that all kids are artists.

Adults can make good art, too.

Well, of course that got me thinking about all the teachers I’ve had in my life. And isn’t it true that the best ones are the ones that made us believe the impossible about ourselves?

I don’t want my best days of being eager, unprejudiced, curious, open and enthusiastic to be behind me. But in thinking about the relationship I had with teachers, I remember things they asked me to do: questions they asked, books they recommended, projects they thought I would enjoy, and invitations to participate in various contests.

As an adult it’s easy to believe that my future is already set, that my future is now. But that’s a lie. Curiosity is always cool, and this year I’m going to pretend like I’m the one going to school, which means if someone begins a sentence with,

“Hey, have you ever tried…?”


“Hey, you’d love this book…”


“Hey, let’s…”

I’m going to be open and enthusiastic about it. I’m going to be a learner.

And maybe an artist, too.

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Mission Driven Monday--Kristen Witzel

Meet Kristen Witzel!

What makes your heart happy?

Meet the Founder and Executive Director of KidsBoost! Kristen is a mom and former hospital Child Life Specialist who turned her passion for generosity into an opportunity to mentor kids taking on service projects to raise money for the organizations that matter to them. In this episode, we talk about how the challenges of being a single mother and how being an entrepreneur helped her find meaning and purpose in the work she was clearly meant to do.

We both have kids who just finished fifth grade and are about to embark on the adventure of middle school. I think it’s interesting how ideas percolate over time, building tension, and ultimately inspiring us to take action.

As moms, we want to pursue our dreams and also do ALL THE THINGS. Is it possible? Kristen says she spent years living off peanut butter and a prayer. She’s working to build a culture that values working parents as they raise kind and generous kids while using their own gifts to give back to the community.

You don’t want to miss this incredible story.

Important links from this episode:

Does your kid have an idea for a project they’d like to pursue? KidsBoost would love to help!

KidsBoost: Creating a sustainable cycle of giving by equipping kids to serve others

The Moment of Lift : How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates

Big Magic: Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

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10 Mind Blowing Facts You Should Know About Yourself

  1. You are not defined by what you are doing right now.

    Talent and skill are important, but more important is adaptability—the ability to adjust to changing circumstances in your life. Your job is what you do. (Over your lifetime, you will have many different types of jobs.) Your work is who you are. (As you navigate these new roles, you will begin to discover who you are. That’s the magic of adaptability.)

  2. Your life is a work of art.

    Intellectually, we know this, but it’s hard to live as if it is true. If you want to begin believing it, try this: Whenever someone asks you about your day, think of the most unique thing that happened to you. Tell that story.

    “Maybe the desire to make something beautiful is the piece of God that is inside each one of us.”—Mary Oliver

  3. You do have time, and you get to choose how to spend it. Busy happens when we’re not thinking.

    Someone once told me that busy is just the brain being lazy. How ironic that when we’re busy we think the opposite is true! Lazy isn’t the antonym of busy; it’s a SYNONYM! Take time to plan your calendar, block out the things you want to do, need to do, have to do, and would like to do. Say no to everything else. “Busy” should never be an excuse for why you’re so tired, cranky, unavailable, or just plain flaky. Own your life or it will own you.

  4. The quiet voice in your head is usually right.

    Sometimes we underestimate the power of our own internal compass. We don’t trust other people; why should we trust ourselves? But let’s be honest—who knows you better than YOU?

    Unless you’re George Costanza:

    JERRY: Kramer, should I call Susan?

    KRAMER: Now what does the little man inside you say? See you gotta listen to the little man.

    GEORGE: My little man doesn't know.

    KRAMER: The little man knows all.

    GEORGE: My little man's an idiot.

    Some of the best advice ever uttered under the sun: DON’T BE AN IDIOT.

  5. The things you’re putting off are a direct result of fear.

    The other day a life coach asked my entrepreneur group to make a list of the things we’re putting off—basically all the “crap we don’t want to do.” That was a painful exercise! Define the fear and the outcome you want to achieve so you won’t be able to put off any longer the things that will help you move forward. It was one of the other girls in the group who decided to name the fears and outcomes. Now, I’m accountable for the things I’m putting off. No more excuses! I have a deadline and a person I’m supposed to call with updates on my progress. Yikes.

  6. The quality of the life you have is not based on how much money you spend.

    We’ve all been asked a version of these two questions: If your house was burning down, what would you save? And if you were stranded on a desert island what would you take with you? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say they’d save their big screen TV or the clothes in their closet. Everything you love is either free or really cheap. so you don’t need to stress about money. Love the people you’re with, and be with the people you love. That’s the beginning and end of everything that’s truly meaningful in life.

  7. You are in charge of your emotional experience.

    Emotions are like waves, building and swirling and crashing around us all the time. My internal feelings are often the result of external circumstances, and the ones that cause the most havoc are the ones that touch the most sensitive places of my psyche—my work and self-worth. If you can train yourself to both welcome and enjoy criticism, you won’t get sidelined by the emotions that try to derail you. When my emotions threaten to paralyze me, I remind myself that even though the emotion is real, the words that triggered it may or may not be true. Then I ask, “What is this experience teaching me about myself, others, or the world and how can I use it to make my world better?”

  8. Your story can inspire others to share their own.

    Every good story involves a character going on a journey (internal or external) who meets a guide, encounters obstacles, overcomes them through many trials, and who eventually reaches a climax of calamity, but somehow overcomes, thus making all her dreams come true. We have a story, too, and our story always intersects with a bunch of other stories around us. Since people generally become what you speak of them, it is wise to be generous with your words.

  9. You expect from others those things you believe about yourself.

    The greatest discovery in life is self discovery. Until you know yourself, you’ll always be trying to be like someone else. This is one of those one liners I’ve been repeating for awhile, even though as late as just last week I had an epiphany where I heard myself say out loud: “I kept hoping for a different story, but I just realized THIS is my story.” Good grief…apparently the road to self-discovery is full of distractions, detours, and road blocks. Just keep going in the direction of your dreams and eventually you’ll begin to believe that where you’re going is where you were supposed to be all along.

  10. You are not selfish because you want to be liked.

    Likeability is a trait of highly successful people. It’s actually a job skill. (I learned this from Vanessa Van Edwards, founder of the famous People School). I’m glad she said it, not me, because wanting to be liked sounds exactly like a quote I heard Michael Scott say on an episode of The Office:

    “Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it's not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.”—Michael Scott

    Likeable people are charismatic and influential. They generally have more friends and get what they want out of life. Wanting to be liked is a good thing, especially if you’re a likeable person. When I was in high school and college, I have to confess, I thought about this all the time. Like all the time. I wanted more friends, and I didn’t know if I was making them fast enough. It’s a relief to know that there’s things I can do to ramp up the warmth and be more expressive as I genuinely do love getting to know new people.

I’d love to know what you’re discovering about yourself. There’s always something new to learn! If you want to take it to the next level, I’d love to meet you!

Mission Driven Monday--Jen Guynn

Meet Jen Guynn!

Everybody wants their kids to care about their community, but not everybody knows where to start! How do you find the projects that include families and allow KIDS to be a part of the process? Kids love to play and they love to help. Guess what? There’s a place for them!

Because my husband works at a church, and I’ve been leading an adventure club for girls for the last five years, people are always asking ME how they can get their kids involved in service. I’m not the expert, but I know someone who is, and here’s what I tell them—Check out Pebble Tossers! They are the leading platform for kids to find the opportunities and resources that will fuel their leadership skills for a lifetime.

In this conversation, Jen and I talk about proudest accomplishments, how we’re practicing mindfulness in this new season, and future dreams. The world is full of incredible opportunities—somebody needs to seize them!

Important Links from this Episode:

Pebbletossers—Start a ripple of giving! Their mission is to empower and equip youth to lead through service. Ahhh…don’t you just love that?

Plywood Presents—Get your tickets now—ATL Ideas! A festival of all things good!

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Just Because You Hate It, Doesn't Mean You Should Throw It Away

Sweeping lines, colorful dots, and textured swishes covered the cardboard canvas. I thought it was rustic and beautiful, in that innocent way that every child’s art is beautiful. But my daughter did not agree. In a fit of pre-teen rage, she threw the painting on the ground.

“Don’t throw it away!” I begged her.

But she screamed and dropped it on the floor anyway—face down, unfortunately.

I told her, “Maybe you just need to let it dry for a bit, and then you can add another layer of paint.”

“Why would I add another layer? I already hate it.”

“Because maybe it’s not finished,” I told her. “You can let it dry, and then you can paint over the parts you don’t like.”

Meanwhile, my 15 year-old son is busy working on a project in our home office. He’s come up with yet another new idea for a company he wants to build. His newest entrepreneur endeavor—fragrance mogul extraordinaire—is not going well. Each new scent reminds us of either cleaning supplies or the hairspray aisle of the local drugstore.

He’s getting frustrated.

“Keep working,” I tell him. “Fragrances need layers. You’re not done yet.”

These conversations remind me of a scene from a movie that replayed over and over in our minivan when our kids were little:

So many wonderful things are made up of layers: wine, chocolate, sandwiches. Parfaits.

We know this, but Donkey reminds us anyway, “Who doesn’t love a parfait?”

Or how about this one:

The best characters, like onions and trifles, have layers.

The layers make us interesting.

We’re quick to throw away the things we don’t like.

There’s a hole in our favorite jeans. Toss.
Leftovers in the fridge.
A bad day.

That art project currently sits atop the desk in my kitchen. It’s colorful and bright, and even though she didn’t add another layer, it reminds me of summer, of a lazy afternoon we spent crafting with materials we found in nature.

And my son’s fragrance experiment is keeping him occupied in a way I never expected. He wants to create something lasting. Who am I to argue with that? The smell coming from his makeshift office lets me know he’s still working.

The photo that illustrates this post is of the Peruvian Painted Mountain. What you see is layer upon layer of millions of years of history. Geologists tell us that each geological layer helps us better understand the world.

Nature is cool like that.

I want my children to know that their mistakes, though disappointing to them, are often the very things that make me love them more. The imperfections tell me something about their personality. I am a geologist learning how to better understand their world.

Layer upon layer, each its own sweet gift, a tapestry of a person’s history, reflections, experiences, and dreams.

First tries are not meant to be perfect. It’s easy to give up when things don’t go our way. But there’s beauty in the process. Beauty IS the process. It’s what it means to BECOME.

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Mission Driven Monday--Amanda White

Meet Amanda White!

What does it REALLY mean to find meaning and purpose in your life?

Today, Amanda and I addressed one of the biggest tensions we have as moms: Am I JUST a mom? Is that enough? Who am I and how do I navigate this changing, crazy world?

“I start fast.”
”I work hard.”
”I finish strong.”

That's Amanda White in a nutshell.

She's a writer, blogger, mom, and empathetic friend. Today, she's your friend too! I loved talking about what she's learning and how she's growing. Seriously, y'all, there's so much wisdom jam-packed into this episode. Don't miss it. Follow your mission, not the madness.

Until the day when God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words,—‘Wait and hope.’
— Alexandre Dumas--The Count of Monte Cristo

Important Links from this Episode:

Oh Amanda: Helping You Impress God’s Word on Your Kids’ Hearts

Truth in the Tinsel: Experience the Christmas story with your kids

A Sense of the Resurrection: An Easter experience for families

The Disciplines of the Christian Life by Eric Liddell. ”I believe God made me for a purpose. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.”

We Choose Virtues: Inspiring Character that Lasts

The Road Back to You: An Enneagram journey of self-discovery

We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place .... Rest in God alone, O my soul, for my hope comes from Him.—Hebrews 6:19

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How Not to Die

What’s one thing that scares you that you wish wasn’t a big deal?

Based on the title of this blog, you probably think I’m going to say death. But death is a big deal. And if we’re honest, we don’t really want to talk about that.

No. I’m talking about the small, scary stuff: a spider web above your bed or a thunderstorm at the beach or being at a party where you don’t know anyone.

If I asked you, that’s what you would say is scary, anyway.

But I’ve found a lot of people are actually afraid the life they’re living is meaningless and devoid of purpose.

I’m notorious for forgetting my headphones at the gym or sometimes even if I do remember them I can’t get them to connect to my phone. The result is that I end up on a treadmill simply staring into space. Yesterday was Sunday, and I intentionally didn’t bring my headphones into the gym because I was just going to do a 30- minute express body pump class and then go home. When I finished the class, though, I felt energized rather than tired so I decided to do a quick ten minutes on the rower.

But what happened was that I ran into a friend and we ended up chatting and before I knew it I had completed 45 minutes on the rower, and I was like, “Wow! I have to go!”

The point is not that I ran into a friend. Or that time went by fast. Or that I did 45-minutes on the rower.

Although all those things are true.

It was actually something my friend said while we were rowing together. She said, “You know the only reason I’m here right now is because I was bored at home.”

I get it. Sunday afternoon. Two teenage kids. One of them gone for the entire summer and one hanging with her friends at the lake. Who wouldn’t be bored?

I’m reading a book called Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness. Tucked in the middle of Chapter Two is this idea of reversible destiny, which states that “people can prevent aging and thwart death by living in a stimulating environment that challenges their bodies on a regular basis.”

I was intrigued by this idea and wanted to learn more: The founders of the movement, Madeline Gins and Shusaku Arakawa, proposed that losing balance and using your body in surprising ways to maintain equilibrium will stimulate the immune system, which will eventually stop aging and death. Their famous Bioscleave House in New York and Reversible Destiny lofts in Tokyo Japan are proof of concept. With uneven floors and windows placed at varying levels to give you a distorted sense of the horizon and about 40 different colors on the walls, the houses are meant to change your perception of the world around you. They believed that Helen Keller was the ideal way to think about art since she was both blind and deaf. She had to work really hard to understand the world around her. And if you have to work really hard within that blankness, as Helen Keller did, you may forget that you have to die. If Helen Keller had known that she didn't have to die, she may have been a prime candidate for immortality.

That’s what they thought anyway.

Umm…I don’t think that’s how death works.

And I also don’t think that Helen Keller ever actually operated in blankness. Unfortunately the architects both died several years ago (Arakawa in 2010 and Gins in 2014).

Of Helen Keller, however, Senator Lister Hill of Alabama said, "She will live on, one of the few, the immortal names not born to die. Her spirit will endure as long as man can read and stories can be told of the woman who showed the world there are no boundaries to courage and faith."

And that’s what it’s about really: AN ENDURING SPIRIT.

Reversible destiny isn’t about a body that goes on living despite its old age, but rather a spirit that continues to inspire the next generation of thinkers.

Which leads me to my original thought on boredom and something I think a teacher said to me once: “Bored people are boring people.”

Thank goodness my friend ended up at the gym after realizing that she was bored at home. What better place to challenge her body in unexpected ways and thwart the aging process?

I don’t think our friends Arakawa and Gins got the whole destiny thing right. I can’t imagine anything more heartbreaking than a destiny that points back to me.

I think all of us want to leave a legacy that’s bigger than ourselves. Your life is a work of art. Whether that art manifests in the form of buildings, monuments, or actual art, anything you leave behind will have your imprint on it. Maybe your art is an organization you lead or a family you’re raising. Your destiny is the story you’re telling. Keep turning the page. Stories are always about transformation, which is the ultimate destiny.

Arakawa and Gins didn’t achieve immortality—at least not in the way they originally imagined.

What we set out to do may not be where we end up.

Which leads me to my final question, “What are some non-traditional ways that you can share your vision for the world and invite others to join you?”

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Mission Driven Monday--Sheena Virji

Meet Sheena Virji!

“My mother saved my life.”

I leaned in.

And learned more about ovarian cancer than I ever wanted to know.

But to hear Sheena talk about it didn’t make it sound scary or awkward. I discovered that Sheena is passionate about women’s health in a way that makes her friends feel cherished and valued. This interview is extra special—for her and for me—because today is a day of both remembrance and celebration.

Three years ago today, Sheena’s mom died.

Ovarian cancer, unfortunately, is often called the "silent killer," but since Sheena credits her mom for saving her own life, she's been anything but silent in the face of it.

What do you do when your life takes an unexpected turn? When you experience a loss that stops you in your tracks? When you have to say good-bye to someone you love--and it's way too soon? In this conversation, Sheena and I talk about how our purpose is grounded, not in the work we get paid to do, but in the work that experience prepares us to do.

I was inspired by her story and the unexpected circumstances that fueled the legacy she wants to leave. Join the conversation, and follow your mission, not the madness.

Important Links from this Episode:

Learn more about women’s cancers—How to prevent, diagnose, and treat them.

Bright Pink empowers women to assess their risk and take charge of their health proactively.

Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance promotes awareness and action for ovarian cancer.

And sage advice from Sheena: “Get to know your body. If it feels wrong, it’s worth exploring. Make an appointment with your doctor!” (Friends, she is so passionate about this, she even told me she would accompany anyone who asked!)

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The Mission Driven Manifesto

Fads come and go. Things like gender reveal parties weren’t in vogue at all when I had my kids, but now everybody has one. And if you’re in high school and have a prom, chances are you’re going to get asked out in a big way, not the way I was. I think we passed the poster in the hall advertising the prom, and my boyfriend (now husband) looked at me and said, “I’ll buy tickets tomorrow.” I’m in my 40s now, and I’ve noticed this brand new trend of sharing what you’ve learned over the years, as if 40 is the age of wisdom.

But Immanuel Kant (1704-1784) was talking about writing down your maxims back in the 1700s—he was cool BEFORE it was cool! Kant believed that the highest good for human beings was being able to achieve both complete virtue and complete happiness at the same time. You could do this, he posited, even without a connection between the two. In fact, virtue and happiness often work in OPPOSITION to one another. (Kant was one of these guys who could blow your mind if you thought too much about the lofty ideas he floated) Further, Kant believed character didn’t develop until age 40, and that’s when you should write down all the things you’ve found to be true. (Gosh, do I sound boring or what?)

Kant believed these essential rules for living should be followed for the rest of one’s life. We don’t have a list of Kant’s maxims, but we do know that before age 40 he rarely had habits he followed or even moral principles for that matter, but after age 40, he stuck to his routine religiously.

Is this why we say old people are “set in their ways?”

Maybe all the old people have finally found their purpose.

Purpose isn’t the work you’re paid to do; it’s the work that experience prepares you to do.

I really like the idea of writing down what you’ve learned and living by a set of rules that you’ve found to work for you. A lot of people think routine inhibits passion and spontaneity. But I don’t necessarily agree that’s true. In the book, Daily Rituals, Mason Currey writes that W.H. Auden once said, “the surest way to discipline passion is to discipline time: decide what you want or ought to do during the day, then always do it at exactly the same moment every day, and passion will give you no trouble.”

I have my own rules for living that work for me, and you probably have yours. I realized that my personal rules are directly tied to my purpose. What I believe about the world, work, family, and love has become the building blocks of my life.

Think about the work you do:

1) Why do you do it?
2) What do you want your work to do in the world?
3) How do you want your work to make people feel? Your family? Your friends? Your colleagues?
4) What does success look like to you?
5) What are you willing to do to reach that success?

To learn more about what it means to be mission driven, you can download our manifesto here.

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Mission Driven Monday--Pamela Barba

Meet Pamela Barba!

In addition to about 100 other wonderful things, Pamela Barba is the founder of Vamos Ladies, a coaching and branding studio for Latinx women. She helps women communicate their value and earn more money. Talk about being mission driven! There's a word that comes to mind when I think of Pamela, and it's CLARITY. Not only does she know who she is--strong and capable and worthy, but she also helps other people understand who they are. And that's how you bring business to life. She literally puts LIFE into your business! Thanks, Pamela, for following your mission not the madness. And Happy 30th Birthday!

Important Links from this Episode:

Connect with Vamos Ladies

Meet Pamela Barba

More about the Enneagram Personality Test

A question to think about: Are you focused more on where you’re BELONGING or on who you are BECOMING?

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The Best Advice My Dad Ever Gave Me

Do you remember that episode of Friends, when Rachel’s mother leaves her husband and crashes head-first into Rachel’s life? Rachel is mortified, and her mom is certifiable, but she did say something that always stuck with me, probably because it struck a little too close to home. She said,

“I went straight from my father’s house, to the sorority house to my husband’s house.”

I did that, too, but it’s a choice I’d make over and over again. My husband’s house became our home. And wherever we are all together is always my favorite place to be.

But before I moved out of my parents’ house for good, my dad said this:

“Never do anything the first year of marriage you don’t want to do the rest of your life.”

You’re welcome. :)

It was the first piece of advice I ever received from someone I respected who had been married for a long time.

And it’s advice that has served us well. I never would have imagined then that all the things I might have done during our fairytale first year could have come back to haunt me.

What it did was open up a line of conversation about the things we both wanted to do and how we were going to share responsibility and contribute to our joint household in the future. I don’t mind doing the laundry; he likes to fold the clothes. I like to cook; he’s always happy to do the dishes. I will gladly pick up discarded socks and underwear as long as the last one out of the bed in the morning accepts the responsibility of making it. These trade-offs have worked well for us. These are small things, I know. But we were only 21 when we got married. We still had a lot to discover about ourselves and the world—especially as we embarked on other firsts—navigating our first jobs, figuring out graduate school, giving birth to our first kid, and purchasing our first home.

They say how you do anything is how you do everything.
We wanted to get it right.

In honor of Father’s Day, I thought it would be fun to highlight the best advice our dads ever gave us. As a blog written primarily for women, it’s easy to leave the guys out of the content I share. But I’m a product of both my mother and my father. I was lucky enough to have a dad that made me feel valued and loved. I believe girls need both female and male role models. And my dad is one of the best!

Because of him, I knew exactly what kind of man I wanted to one day marry. What had been modeled for me growing up was good enough to keep the tradition going.

When I asked some friends to tell me about their own dads, they eagerly shared some of the best advice they ever heard:

Lean into the hard things, you will be glad you did and come out stronger than you thought you were.
— Jennifer Snyder's Dad

Strength is often defined as the ability to withstand pain. Women learn to withstand a lot of pain, and I love that Jennifer’s dad is the one who told her that she is stronger than she thinks. Our bodies can withstand so much more than we give them credit for. But there’s also other kinds of hard things (i.e. relationships, careers, kids), conflict we’d like to avoid altogether, but rememberTHERE IS NO GROWTH WITHOUT PAIN.

Good advice, Dad.

My dad didn’t give a lot of advice, but he asked a lot of questions, which usually got me thinking in the right direction.
— Melanie Dale's Dad

Two things I love about this piece of advice: It’s a proven fact that asking more questions makes us more likeable, so Melanie’s dad was smart to ask questions, especially when Melanie was in middle and high school. Parents can seem so out of touch at that age. We like our friends more than our parents, so Dad asking questions was a great strategy for keeping the communication lines open. I think questions are also a great way to help us understand the WHY behind the things we believe and the things we do. You better have a good answer if you’re about to do something dumb!

Good advice, Dad!

Write down your goals and dreams so you can go back and see what God has done and see your success. Unwritten goals are just wishes.
— Amy Myers's Dad

This is one of my favorite pieces of advice. Bill Gates said that people overestimate what they can accomplish in one year, but they underestimate what they are capable of accomplishing in ten years. Writing down your goals gives you a framework for celebrating all the wins along the way.

Good advice, Dad!

Be blessed and be a blessing.
— Sara Stewart's Dad

Oh, this one is just beautiful! What a great piece of advice because it’s so others-focused. Isn’t it true that when you are a blessing to others you yourself are the one who ends up blessed?

Good advice, Dad!

Try to understand what other people are experiencing. Give them a chance. There is something good in all of us.
— Jennifer Turner's Dad

My friend, Jennifer, has a heart of gold, and she got it from her dad. She finds the best in everyone, and everyone loves her because of it.

Good advice, Dad!

Remember, it’s what’s CAUGHT, not what’s TAUGHT, that matters most.
— Ginny Starr's Dad

This is one of those quotes that popped up again and again. Our role models always SHOW us what’s important rather than TELL us. Show, don’t tell, is good advice for writers, and it’s good advice for us.

Maybe you didn’t grow up with a dad who shared a lot of wisdom with you. Maybe you grew up at the school for hard-knocks or had to find your own way or had a lot of strong women who guided you through those early, pivotal years. No matter how you got to where you are today, I hope you will share what you’ve learned with the next generation. We are always better together.

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Mission Driven Monday--Sophia Watson

Meet Sophia Watson!

Sophia Watson is a writer, actress, and model who uses her gifts to bring awareness to important issues affecting our nation’s young people. At just 18 years old, she wrote and starred in the original film, #SLUT, a movie about bullying, the abuse of power, and regret. While other kids her age are hanging out and scrolling through their social media feeds, you can often find Sophia holed up in her room brainstorming new ideas and writing, writing, writing! Sophia is also an accomplished baker (you should see her cakes!), loves kids, and donates a portion of all money she earns to charities for children. I loved our conversation because young people give us an interesting perspective about the future of the world. And guess what? The future is GOOD. Sophia lives life to the fullest and inspires meaning and purpose in everyone she meets.

Important Links from this Episode:

Cobb International Film Festival

Message Received You Tube Series (She wrote and directed this fun series when she was in high school!)

#SLUT Official Website

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What Do You Think About When You're Not Thinking About Anything At All?

When I was in the 6th grade, I did a social science fair project on how TV time affected family time. Even back then, my own family were hard-core screen time addicts (My parents STILL own six TVs, and it’s just the two of them), so I had to recruit another family to journal their “No TV week” for my project. Of course, we knew what would happen. The first couple of days without the constant drone of the TV would put everybody in a jittery mood, but soon the family would begin talking more, playing games together, and by the end of the week—they didn’t even miss their TV! (At least that’s the story I’m telling myself today.)

Vacation is sort of like that. You get all worked up about “unplugging” for the week, and then by the time you get there, it takes a couple of days to settle in and unwind. It’s worth it, of course, but if we don’t have a rhythm of work, play, and rest, we can forget how to do it. I like vacation time to feel different than regular time, so I don’t cook, work, or watch TV while I’m away from home.

Our family spent last week in Hilton Head. We’ve been going there every summer for the last 15 years or so. Are we traditionalists? Yes! There’s something comforting about returning to the same place year after year, the familiarity of the sand and the waves and even the houses.

My neighborhood is located in the foothills of the North Georgia mountains. It’s really hilly and not conducive to leisurely strolls on a beach cruiser, so one of my favorite things to do while I’m on vacation is ride my bike. It’s a great way to see the island, and so vacation is literally the only time I ride my bike outdoors. I can easily cover 12-15 miles, something that makes me feel alive and happy and not at all guilty about having ice cream afterwards.

When I got back, a friend asked me about riding.

“So…do you like listen to music…or what do you do while you’re riding?”

I never really thought about it. I don’t really do ANYTHING while I’m riding.

Of course, there’s one BIG reason I don’t listen to music:


“So…like what do you think about?”

That’s a good question.

What do YOU think about when you don’t have to think about anything at all?

I’m on vacation. I don’t have to think about what we’re going to have for dinner or what the kids will do if they get bored. I don’t have to pay bills or really do anything I don’t want to do.

On my beach rides, I think about the scenery, about the books I’ve been reading, about ideas I’ve been thinking about. I think about how far it is to the next red light and whether I should pass that family up ahead. I wonder if the fruit stand is open and if I should stop and buy some peaches. I wonder if they’ll be bruised from bouncing around in my basket on the way back. I wonder if the rain is going to hold off and if I should turn into Shelter Cove because I heard there’s a big sun dial there and I never noticed it before. I like to breathe deep of the salt air and feel the wind on my face. I like to pass the lagoons and look for alligators. Sometimes I pray. I think about the people I love.

When my friend asked me what I think about, I wonder what HE was thinking!

Today, I got in the car to drive to my favorite cycle class at the gym. About a mile from my destination, I realized I had been driving in silence.

I guess it’s going to take me a few days to turn the noise back on!

Mission Driven Monday--Amber Pert

Meet Amber Pert!

Amber Pert helps turn young dreamers into real-life doers. Her Navigator book series chronicles how leaders across a range of disciplines built their brands. Amber is passionate about purpose, and she brings it to life through the inspiring words she shares with young leaders. I loved hearing about her vision for the future because kids truly ARE our future. Experience is a great teacher, but for young people--learning from the experiences of others is EVEN BETTER. Follow your mission, not the madness.

Important Links from this Episode:

Wellspring Crew—Information and Navigator Book Series

Book she recommends: Measure What Matters

And a book I recommend: Barking to the Choir by Father Gregory Boyle

Millennials and Money

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Make Everyday a Great Day

Yesterday, I made my daughter’s last school lunch.

It wasn’t anything special—a thermos of macaroni and cheese, some carrot sticks, a granola bar, a fruit snack, and a juice box.

Later, I asked her why she didn’t eat the macaroni and cheese. She said, it just didn’t look good sitting in the thermos after all those hours.

And I said, “Well, the good news is next year you can start packing your own lunch!”

And then it hit me: I just packed her last elementary school lunch.

Would I have made her something different if I had known?

I don’t know.

That’s the thing about endings. Unless you’re counting down to the last day of school before summer vacation or the last day of pregnancy before your baby is due, an ending is easy to miss. It’s easy to miss because what we’re actually counting down to is a NEW BEGINNING.

I don’t remember the last time I made my daughter’s bed.
Or tied her shoes.
Or gave her a bath.
Or washed her clothes.

She does all those things all by herself. And clearly—trust me, I know—she’s old enough to make her own lunch. It was just one of those things I said I’d keep doing while she was in elementary school, and then all the sudden elementary school is over, and the one thing—THE ONE THING—I was holding onto isn’t even a thing anymore! I did it for the last time, and I did it just like all the other times.

My friends, you are about to enter the golden years, ages 4-10, when love from you and friends for them come fast and easy.

 I’m not going to be the tired old mom who tells you how fast it goes. You have to learn that on your own.

But I have no remorse about telling you to find a way to make all the times so good that even if it’s the last time, it’s okay. Beginnings are even better.

As my daughter walked her elementary school hallways for the last time, she asked me, “So…did you make a ‘last-day-of-school’ cake?” For the record, I have NEVER made a last-day-of-school cake. I just told you how bad I am at remembering the endings. I do, however, always make a first-day-of-school-cake, so instead of cake, we’ll come home and eat watermelon and throw water balloons at each other (just because we have some in the garage we’ve been saving for a special occasion), and then we’ll probably do what we do on most regular days—decide that it’s going to be a GREAT DAY.

And if everyday is a great day, it doesn’t matter if it’s the first or the last. All that matters is that we’re ready for what’s next.

Because the end of elementary school isn’t about graduating from the fifth grade at all; it’s about going to middle school, a magical place where freedom lives and friendships are hard and homework really cramps your style. My daughter is ready. Who am I to hold her back?

Let her make her own lunch!

2026, here we come!

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Mission Driven Monday--Abbey Glass

Meet Abbey Glass!

When you were a little girl, did you ever make clothes for your Barbies or baby dolls? Did you spend hours drawing fashions in a notebook? Abbey Glass is a maker, too. For as long as she can remember, she's been making things. Today, she is the owner of Abbey Glass Studio, a fashion design and manufacturing house located in Atlanta, Georgia. But that's not all she does. Abbey is motivated, driven, and committed to pursuing the biggest challenges she possibly can.

In this conversation, we talk about the challenges and joys of owning your own company and transferring your personal values to the brand you're building.

At the end, the conversation takes a philosophical turn as we talk about what it's like to be a business woman who is not married and does not have kids.

Follow your mission, not the madness!

Important Links from this episode:

Want to be the most stylish woman in town? You can! Click here.

Visit the Flagship store in Atlanta.

A Podcast Abbey likes: How I Built This

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The One Essential Ingredient that Makes Food (and Life) Even Better

The Beginning

When Gavin and I were first married, I was just learning how to be a homemaker. I missed 4-H the day we learned how to sew a button on a shirt, and I never had a Home Economics class in high school. Although my mom cooked every night, this was not an activity we did together. I guess I thought I would just be able to make stuff because my mom was good at it.

You learn how to cook by osmosis, right?


The first time I made mashed potatoes they turned out soupy and bland.

At 21, I was both health conscious and budget aware, so I made my signature mashed potatoes with margarine and skim milk.

Boy, was that a big mistake!

Good butter and real cream are essential to tasty mashed potatoes.

Since that first cooking fail, I’ve had many more disasters in the kitchen. Sometimes my disasters are the result of sweeping misguided attempts to act gourmet (like that time I tried to make a chocolate bowl using a balloon as my template) or just pure laziness (like that time I put the insert from the crock pot directly on the gas stove), but more often than not, my failings are the result of a single, seemingly inconsequential ingredient.

Like salt.

But any good cook will tell you salt isn’t inconsequential at all. Of all the spices I have in my cabinet (and I have more than 100), salt is the most important. If you leave it out, you’ll know.

The Question

Which got me thinking—is there ONE ingredient that’s essential to success in business and in life?

We create a recipe for success that includes hard skills like on-the-job training and experience, and soft skills like a strong work ethic, an ability to communicate effectively, and self-confidence.

But the most important thing—the one thing that ‘s absolutely essential to success—is someone who believes in you.

Someone who believes in you is the SALT that makes everything else work.

It reminds me of this verse we used to have painted over the fireplace in the keeping room of our old house:

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
— Colossians 4:6 NIV

Someone who believes in you (and tells you) is the most important thing.

The Lesson

It took months before I figured out I wasn’t really a bad cook; I was just using the wrong ingredients. Whole milk and real butter are ESSENTIAL to perfect mashed potatoes. But even after I started using those ingredients, sometimes I would still forget to add the salt.

In life, your words are like salt because there is nothing that hurts worse than an unkind word and nothing that soothes a wound quite like a kind one. I’m reminded how much we depend on them. From those first admonishments when language was just beginning and we heard this phrase:“use your words,” to the phrases we toss back and forth so flippantly in elementary school: “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you” to the lie that continues to sting long after the words have left our accuser’s lips: “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Words matter. They are ESSENTIAL. That’s not new info. It’s like telling you the world is round. This post actually started out as an outline of five different things that I believe successful people do. As I wrote, though, I realized that success looks different for everybody. So I deleted a whole bunch of paragraphs. But even though our definition of success looks different, our validation of it shouldn’t. We should encourage one another and inspire one another to do the very special and unique things we’ve each been gifted to do. As I wrote, I realized the people I admire most, the ones who are building things and leading things and serving people, and creating beautiful art are doing it not for themselves, but for others.

And I realized something else: Every good thing that has ever come my way has been the result of a connection with someone who kindly said, “I want to help.” And likewise, the times when I have felt the loneliest and the worst about myself have been when someone has said something unkind to me.

I want to get life right. Right now, I’m trying to figure out how I can be the SALT for someone else.

One of the ways I’m doing that is by featuring women I admire on my weekly video cast, Mission Driven Monday. Simply go to our website and scroll through our blog. We post new content every single Monday. I hope you meet someone who inspires you. It’s our effort to validate the work Mission Driven Women are doing in the world today.

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Mission Driven Monday--Steen Jones

Meet Steen Jones!

Steen Jones is a serial entrepreneur and writer who lives outside of Atlanta, Georgia. She has a husband, two beautiful teenagers, and a treehouse office that would make Tarzan jealous. When we say "Follow Your Mission, Not the Madness," what we really mean is: FOLLOW YOUR CURIOSITY. The world is full of beautiful things, and as seasons come and go, there's time for enjoying ALL of it. I hope you enjoy this fantastic conversation.

I promised you some pictures of Steen’s amazing treehouse office, so here you go!

The outside of Steen’s Treehouse—a tranquil little spot in the woods!

The outside of Steen’s Treehouse—a tranquil little spot in the woods!

The treehouse office—Inside. I think anybody could find their muse here!

The treehouse office—Inside. I think anybody could find their muse here!

Important Links from this episode:

And fun fact: We talked about Steen’s first business, COLORS, which trained women coming out of the sex industry on how to crochet. In the pic above, Steen’s wearing some of them. And in the pic of ME on this website, I’m wearing some of them too!

Steen’s TedX talk at Georgia Tech

Buy the book, The Door Keeper by Steen Jones

Learn how to WAKE YOURSELF UP with Wim Hof. Follow him on Instagram! Here’s everything you need to know about the Wim Hof Method.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Book, Big Magic

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